Cross Age Verify (Short Guide)

You need following roles/channels to setup age verification system :

  • urole : Unverified age role. Assigned on server join.

  • vrole : Role assigned on age verification

  • crole : Role assigned on cross age verification

  • arole : Role assigned on auto cross verification

  • logchannel : Log channel for age verification system

Commands :

  1. Now, run /verify set command and pass above arguments and also set type argument as auto

  2. Next, run /verify staff add command to add age verify staff

  3. Next, run /verify list to list all servers who are using age verify system

  4. Use /verify partner command to send a request to server to partner with them

You are done!

Commands for your staff :

  • /vfy : Age verify user

  • /cvfy : Cross age verify user

  • /uvfy : Age unverify user

Last updated